THE ADVENTURES OF STEWART "the chicken molester" HAY Hear of the dastardly demise of the feathered foul at the hands of this beastly man whose mother is has been proven "did at one time dally with a randy goat." Meet the man who imprisoned a chicken in a cupboard, restraining it with rubber gloves and feeding it on stupid stories, until the chicken's will was broken.... Then he did unnatural things to this chicken, such as hitting it with a rather large copy of Rodger, before giving the chicken a jolly good rodgering by all accounts.... However Stewart has now come out of the closet after allegations from the feather plucking (not fucking you'll note) fraternity that he was in possession of a large number of chickens, who he was abusing and prostituting.... These accounts are factual and come from a member escaped from the heinous cult of Rory the Stuffed Rubber Chicken. As this escapee who does not wished to be named for fear of reprisals put it,".. the only stuffed chickens in that place are the ones that Stewwy gets his hands (or any other part) on." It has been rumoured that in fact Stewart himself (who often goes by the alias Wart) is the much vaunted Stalker. A number of sources close (or as close as you would want to get to someone of such beastly proportions) to Wart, have revealed that he is often seen lurking in the shadows around chicken coups in the dead of night, waiting for an unsuspecting chicken to cross his path. Once the target has been acquired, Stewart moves in for the attack, taking the chicken by surprise. Hardly surprising really as there aren't probably a great deal of chickens who expect to be sodomised by a Canadian with appalling dress sense and even less common sense. All of this is fact revealed by the unidentifiable chicken escapee and other chickens who have fled this cult with their morals and lives in shreds. Wart, however continues to live on as though nothing is happening, continually trying to entice new members into his cult. At every turn he is waiting to attempt to indoctrinate anyone who will listen, and even those who won't are not safe from the maruading Gospel according to Rory.... He is worse than the Mormons and even the Jehovah's Witnesses as even if you shut a door on this feathered evangelist, he continues to talk, raising the volume of his spiel and punctuating it with bursts of manic laughter. Eventually the volume rises to fever pitch and the residents think they are about to have a 747 land in the toilet, as the roar of insanity rises to a defeaning crescendo. There is only one way to stop this onslaught and that is to hope and pray to any other god, (and they are all vindictive and listening when it comes to this master of ventriloquism but I'll cover that later) that Wart, might happen to notice a chicken passing and take a fancy to it. It is strange that the cult of Wartdom as it has become known the victims, is only after chickens. Some believe it is because these birds are not particularly intelligent that they make a perfect match for the first disciple of Rory (Wart), while others believe it is because they are largely ground ridden, and do not move very quickly. Thus they are perfect targets for Wart the human sloth. A couple of unsubstantiated reports have also been received that Wart, has a travelling show involving these chickens. He performs with them on stage and then does a vetriloquist act. However these are not wooden chickens (Wart doesn't like splinters in sensitive areas) but live chickens. They are also not particularly intelligent chickens, they are just coerced into conversation, at the very threat of an incestuous relationship with the cult leader and renowned Satanist Wart. Some chickens believe that those who disobey Wart, are taken to the dark side, where they are sacrificed to the dark whatsit, and their blood splattered around the Cult's main hall (which is ficticious (the hall not the antics)) as a reminder to the other's that the only way Wart can actually achieve god-like status is in his mind.... Even then, he will only be a little god as even though his head is big, and the cavernous space between his ears is large enough for a full sized replica of St Pauls Cathedral, Wart doesn't have the mental capacity to even half fill this void with chicken droppings and scraps of thought, which would struggle to keep even a chick fed for more than a minute and a half. In news just to hand, a leading analyst believes that Stewart's cult is merely a way of meeting chicks of both the feathered and unfeathered kind.... This is a pity really as it would appear that he is wasting his time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Save the Whales .... Collect the whole set. James O'Brien ( Temporary student (Will the lease run out?) I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous ! Nobody cares that these are my opinions. My University has no idea what I am doing. Come to think of it, neither do I. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------