Saving Throws ============= P/P/DM R/S/W P/P BW Sp Base 13 14 13 16 15 Class Modifiers at 1st level: ----------------------------- Priest +2 +1 - - +1 Psionic - +1 +2 - +1 Rogue +1 +1 - +2 - Warrior +1 - +1 +2 - Wizard - +2 - - +2 All saving throws increase by 1 every 2 levels (e.g. at 3rd, 5th, 7th) until 19th level. o multiclassed characters get best starting bonus of either class (it's not cumulative!) o dualclassed characters get best save of either class after passing previous class level (before then it is at your current class save)