Shadow Elven calendar: The year is divided into 14 months of 24 days. Each month takes it's name from a verse of the Refuge of Stone. There are no weeks and the days are not named. The current year is 2116 (since the discovery of the Refuge of Stone). After each is the Thyatian equivalent. Gathering (Nuwmont 1 to 24) Name (Nuwmont 25 to Vatermont 20) Refuge (Vatermont 21 to Thaumont 16) Shaman (Thaumont 17 to Flaurmont 12) Crystal (Flaurmont 13 to Yarthmont 8) Birth (Yarthmont 9 to Klarmont 4) Wanderers (Klarmont 5 to 28) Temple (Felmont 1 to 24) Food (Felmont 25 to Fyrmont 20) Days (Fyrmont 21 to Ambyrmont 16) Army (Ambyrmont 17 to Sviftmont 12) King (Sviftmont 13 to Eirmont 8) Others (Eirmont 9 to Kladmont 4) Bounty (Kladmont 5 to 28) Fasti and NeFasti days (Good and bad days): Gathering 1: The first day of the year, which is both Fasti and NeFasti. All SE's fast on this day and no offical business is conducted. All births on this day are considered wel aspected and a sign of good fortune. This day commemorates the disadter on the durface which drove the SE's underground. Name 2: This day is NeFasti, marking a disasterous attack of orcs against the city of the stars. Hobgoblin troops reached the stairs to the temple of Rafiel before being repulsed. Tens of thousands of SE's were slain. At 8 in the evening, the entire city (except those on guard) gathers around the temple of Rafiel. The entire city stands in silence for several minutes, before the Radiant Shaman waves a blessing on the crowd and they disperse to their homes. Many bring a flower from the memory gourd plant (1). After the moving ceremony the steps (2) are shin deep in the flowers. Refuge 9: This day is Fasti, indicating the day when the refuge of stone was discovered. The day is one of joyous celebration, with feasting and celebration, together with devout services to Rafiel. Shaman 2: This day is NeFasti, marking the destruction of the city of Aengmor. Crystals: This entire month is Fasti for the excavation of soul crystals. All new veins are started on this day. Birth: This entire month is considered Fasti for births. Very very few babies are born with deformities. Since the gestation peroid for SE's is 12 months, the month is one which arouses deep and complex emotions in SE's. While being anxious and fretful about the birthing itself, SE's fondly recall their efforts to conceive at this time. Many young elves will pair at this time, beginning relationships or marriages. Wanderers: The entire month is considered NeFasti. No SE performs anything other than essential activity. No new buildings are started, no crops are harvested or planted, and travel is kept to a bare minimum. Shamans hold 24 hour vigils in the temple of Rafiel, with hourly sacrifices. Being born during this month prevents one from ever being an officer in the army or holding an important government position. Shamanic births are also extremely rare. However, those born with the mark of the shaman are regared as having great good fortune, the child destined for pre-eminence within the shamanic heirarchy. Phoranin was born on the 12th of Wanderers, 1895. Wanderers 8: This day is NeFasti. All SE's abstain from food and water for the entire day. This is the day of their rejection from the elves of Alfheim. Temple 14: This day is Fasti, marking the laying of the cornerstone of the Temple of Rafiel. Remodelling of the Temple always begins on this day, as with construction of other temples elsewhere. Food 16: This day is NeFasti, marking the return of the second SE surface party, which reported the surface was still uninhabitable. Days 19: This day is NeFasti, marking the return of the first surace party, which reported unliveable conditions. Army 1: This day is Fasti, and is known as mustering day. On this day, a census is taken of taken of all available soldiers (ie: all adult SE's). King 1: This day is Fasti, for it is the birthday of Tarasfir, first King of the SE's, selected by the shaman's with Rafiel's guidance. King 12: This day is Fasti, marking the birthday of Telemon, current King of the SE's. Others 15: This day is NeFasti, marking the outbreak of a terrible plague in Alfmyr which killed over 10,000 elves in a matter of weeks. The plague was brought by a SE who had traveled from Glantri. The dwarves were responsible for the plague in Glantri, thus the SE blame the dwarves for this plague. Others 22: This day is NeFasti, marking the day when members of the Felesytr and Celebryl clans quarrelled over certain areas of the City of the Stars. Tempers were lost, blodd ran hot in the veins, and some thousand SE's were killed before dhame, shock and the exhortations of the shamans stopped the fighting. All combat is prohibited on this day on the way of Rafiel. Community leaders of the two clans exchange gifts and greetings and take a late evening meal together to break the fasting of the daytime. They wear but the simplest and humblest robes to this repast, disrobing before the shamans to show they carry no weapons. They are given humble white garments to wear garments by the shamans after ritual blessings and washing their hands and feet in a little holy water. Bounty 24: This day is Fasti and is celebrated with great feasts, to look forward to the promises of Rafiel yet to be fulfilled. The feasts are so ample they make the process of fasting on the following day far less onerous! (1) The memory gourd is a small cactus plant, which produces one flower anually. The flower changes colour, from pale yellow (Fasti days) to pale green (NeFasti days). It always flowers on Names 2 with a beautiful white flower. (2) There are 196 steps to the temple, or 14^2. Each of the steps have a verse of the Refuge of Stone carved on it. This ceremony is like our ANZAC day, although imagine if the entire city of Perth turned up.