From: (Aardy R. DeVarque) Newsgroups: Subject: RESOURCE: Great Net.Book of Net.Books for AD&D 1/9 Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 15:55:41 GMT ============================================================================= THE GREAT BOOK OF NET.BOOKS FOR AD&D Version 1.0 Compiled by: Joel Hahn Last Updated: 08/25/96 ============================================================================= This compilation is Copyright 1996, Joel A. Hahn; all rights reserved. These author's rights include, but are not limited to, the right to further distribution and the right to create & distribute derivative works. AD&D is a registered trademark of TSR, Inc. AD&D, and any other trademarks belonging to TSR, Inc. which are included are used for editorial & illustrative purposes only, and are not intended to infringe upon TSR, Inc.'s rights to them. The author is not affiliated with TSR, Inc. in any way. ============================================================================= Key: x = listed in the FAQ o = Not listed in the FAQ, but is mentioned there - = Blacky's compilations; non-TSR-infringing versions may/may not exist = Not listed in the FAQ () = compiler, uncertain document name, or other comments <> = compiler's e-mail address [] = the location of an available copy (not necessarily the *only* location) MPGN: = "" FUNET: = "ftp:// or" SURGE: = "" 00k = Unpacked file size, when known ============================================================================= NET.BOOKS (handbooks, guides, etc.) ---------------------------------- x Abyssmal Layers 30k (Tyrus Hellbane) [] [] AD&D Optional Rules 26k AD&D Players Supplement [] Aegnor's Empire [MPGN:/Archives/Varia/aegnor.tar.Z] o Complete RPG Guide to Alcohol 540k [] Alternative AD&D Spell System (v. 2.1) 57k (Deva Winblood/Davya Wineblood) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/system2.Z] Alternate System for AD&D 21k Angelic Orders (Joel Hahn) Arcanum Minoris (Jim Vassilikos) [] Armour List (Steven Chrisomalis) [] Arms & Armour Variants (Steven Chrisomalis) [] o Blue Ball Bowling 15k [] Book of Ages 72k (Sylvain Robert) & (Francois Manseau) [MPGN:Worlds/Book_of_Ages/BookAges.rdm.Z [MPGN:Worlds/Book_of_Ages/BookAges.hqx.Z [MPGN:Worlds/Book_of_Ages/BookAges.txt.Z [Possibly also MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_ages.tar.Z] [] Book of GOD Swords 20k [Possibly see following?] Book of Swords [MPGN:Items/Weapons/Swords/] (ASCII Text) Cesar's Netbook (Jean Junior BeLand) [] o Complete RPG Guide to Unlawful Carnal Knowledge (a.k.a. "Sex") 319k [] x Classes and Kits (V 1.0) 49k (Dave Shawley) [MPGN:Netbooks/Net.Book.of.Classes.gz|Net_Book_] [Possibly at MPGN:Archives/Varia/classes.tar.Z] [] Combat II: Revised Combat System for AD&D 82k (Kevin L. Seachrist) [MPGN:Rules/combat_2.txt] [MPGN:Rules/combat_2.ascii] [MPGN:Rules/] (WinWord 6.0 & Excel 5.0) o Complete RPG Guide to Comedy 19k [] Complete Net Handbook (V 1.0) 238k (Joe Delisle) [] (The Dangers & Boons of) Conjuring [] Critical Hits/Misses 163k [Possibly at MPGN:Archives/Varia/critical.tar.Z] [Possibly at MPGN:Rules/Criticals/crits1.asc.Z] [Possibly at MPGN:Rules/Criticals/] [Possibly at MPGN:Rules/Criticals/crits2.txt.Z] [Possibly at MPGN:Rules/Criticals/] [Possibly at MPGN:Rules/Criticals/fumbles1.txt.Z] Cursed Magic Items [MPGN:Items/Cursed/curses.txt.Z] D&D Supplement [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_ddsup.tar.Z Darksun Net Handbook (1st ed) [MPGN:Netbooks/dsnhb10.txt] x Darksun Net Handbook (2nd ed) 531k (John M. Martz) [MPGN:Netbooks/dsnhb20.txt] Demons 78k [] [Possibly at SURGE:dnd/demons.gz] o Complete RPG Guide to Dice Games 19k [] Dragon Magic (v. 1.0) [] Dragon Types (a.k.a. List of Dragons) o Complete RPG Guide to Drugs 37k [] Dynotus Adventure Rules 52k Elf's Gamebook 13k (Elf Sternberg) [MPGN:NetBooks/Elf_Gamebook.Z] Elf's Handbook [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_elf.tar.Z] Elf Errata (Same as "Elf's Gamebook?") (Elf Sternberg) [] Enhanced AD&D (V 1.2) (Ezra Van Everbroeck) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/EDND/ednd-v1.2.readme [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/EDND/] 427k [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/EDND/] 90k [Also appears as part of the Complete.Net.Handbook & the Tome of Vast Knowledge] Fantasy Names Kit [MPGN:Names/fantasy_names_kit.sea.hqx.Z] [MPGN:Names/fantasy_names_kit.txt.Z] Fantasy Price List [MPGN:Items/Prices/Price.readme] [MPGN:Items/Prices/Price_ps.Z] (Postcript format, 16 Pages) [MPGN:Items/Prices/Price_ni.Z] (Nisus format) [MPGN:Items/Prices/Price_pc.Z] (MS Word format) [MPGN:Items/Prices/Price_txt.Z] (ASCII Text format) FAQ About Polymorph Other (lucifer) [] FAQ's About DMing (lucifer) [] FNN: Fantasy News Network: the Adventurers' Journal (Mike Phillips) & (Martin Ott) [MPGN:FNN/] [] Forgotten Realms Compendium (contains FR Notebooks 1-5, Word for Windows) [] x Forgotten Realms Notebook Volume 1 165k (Perry Horner) [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/realms.readme [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/realms1.ascii.ZIP] [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/realms1.hqx.Z] (MS Word/Mac) [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/] [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/] (MS Word/Win) [] Volume 2 67k (Perry Horner) [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/realms2.hqx.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/] [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/] [] Volume 3 74k [] Volume 4 48k [] Volume 5 50k [] Gallery of Magical Blades (v. 3.00) (Lord Phantos) [MPGN:Items/Weapons/Swords/] (Postscript) [MPGN:Items/Weapons/Swords/swords.txt.Z] (ASCII) [MPGN:Items/Weapons/Swords/swords.doc.Z] (MS Word?) Gallery of Magical Blades (v.4) (Lord Phantos) [] Generic Magic System ("100% AD&D Compatible") (Sean K. Reynolds) [] Ghosts 18k (I. Marc Carlson) [] Gods & Myths of Empyrea (ASCII & troff formats) Gods: [MPGN:Archives/Worlds/emp_gods.tar.Z] [MPGN:Archives/Worlds/empg_trf.tar.Z] Myths: [MPGN:Archives/Worlds/emp_myth.tar.Z] [MPGN:Archives/Worlds/empm_trf.tar.Z] Great.Net.Book (Classes, Kits, Races, House Rules, Weapons) Great Net Pantheon Book (V 3) 243k [] o Complete RPG Guide to Gruel 2k [] Guns in AD&D 21k (I. Marc Carlson) [] Half-Dragons 47k (Herbal Guide) [SURGE:dnd/herbal] Guide to Herbs for RPGs (4th ed.) (Shaun Hately) [] o Complete RPG Guide to Highlander 37k [] Home-brewn ADND Worlds [MPGN:Archives/Worlds/worlds.tar.Z] House of the Hawk Campaign Setting (Jim Grunst) [MPGN:Adventures/] [] House Rules [I] [SURGE:dnd/house.rules.gz] House Rules [II] (Steven Chrisomalis) & (Justice) [] o Complete RPG Guide to Hygiene 37k [] Items and Services (Price List, mostly) Ivid the Undying (created by TSR) [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/Ividmaps.txt] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/ividasc.txt.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/Ivid204.gif] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/Ivid206.gif] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/Ivid208.gif] Kaos WorldBook (Anime AD&D) [141k]; 4k, 41k, 6k, 6k [SURGE:dnd/kaos.items] [SURGE:dnd/kaos.religion] [SURGE:dnd/kaos.setting] [SURGE:dnd/kaos.spells] Lists (WOW!) 327k [MPGN:Archives/Varia/lists.tar.Z] (Mage Memorization System) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/system3.Z] Magic 101 Magic Items 384k [Possibly at MPGN:Items/Magic/mag_item.Z] [Possibly at] Magic Rationale (essay on the Nature of Magic) 40k, 56k (I. Marc Carlson) [] [] Magical Combat Magnificent Monstrous Database (v. 1.0) [] Magus Divlantia (Jim Vassilakos) [MPGN:Archives/Spells/magustex.tar.Z] (LaTeX) [FUNET:systems/adnd/divlantia.lzh] Martial Arts [] Martial Arts Styles for AD&D 24k (I. Marc Carlson) [] Meetings [] MetaPsychic System [MPGN:Archives/Varia/metapsy.tar.Z] MM (Monstrous Manual? Monster Maker?) (Requires Borland Paradox 3.5) (Neal Menkus) [MPGN:/Monsters/mm.rdm.Z] [MPGN:/Monsters/] Modron Psychology 101 [] Modron Psychology 102 [] Monster List 244k [MPGN:/Monsters/] Monster Manual 218k [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Monster_Manual.Z] [MPGN:Monsters/Net_Monster_Manual.Z] Monstrous Compendium (Robert Chrisitian) OR: [MPGN:Monsters/readme] [MPGN:Monsters/atoc.txt] [MPGN:Monsters/d.txt] [MPGN:Monsters/etoq.txt] [MPGN:Monsters/utoz.txt] [MPGN:Monsters/index] [Also: MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/Net_Monstrous_Compendium.Z] (LaTeX only) [Also: MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Monstrous_Compendium.tar.Z] Monstruous Compendium [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_monstruous_Compendi...] Monstrous Manual 85k o Complete RPG Guide to Movies [] Some Mythos and Magical Texts 71k, 8k (I. Marc Carlson) [] [] x Names 36k (Robert Christian) [MPGN:Netbooks/] [] Names List [MPGN:Names/names.list.Z] New Wizard's Handbook (same as Wizard's Handbook?) New Worlds (Planescape) [] Non-magic Items [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Items/Nonmagic/items.list.Z] - NonWeapon Proficiencies 161k (Michaela Baginski) [] Non-Weapon Proficiencies (Steven Chrisomalis) & (Justice) [] NPCs 314k [Possibly at MPGN:Archives/Varia/chars.tar.Z] [Possibly at MPGN:NPCs/] [] Oerth Journal (V 1) [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/OJOURN1.TXT] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] Oerth Journal (V 2) [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/ORTHJRN2.TXT] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] Oerth Journal (V 3) [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/OrthJrl3.TXT] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] Oriental Adventures to 2nd ed. 86k (Andrew R Twyman) [] Philosophy of Magic, Part 1 (Electric Monk) [] Philosophy of Magic, Part 2 (Electric Monk) [Possibly at] Philosophy of Magic, Part 3 (Electric Monk) [] Planescape (v. 1.0) 125k (Electric Monk) [] x Player's Supplement 286k x Poisons [] Poisons of the Forgotten Realms - Proficiencies (Michaela Baginski) [] x Psionics.Handbook (Steven Hewhook) & (Mark Becker)--orig. compilers (Charon) [and possibly also ] [] Psionics.Handbook (v2.0) (Charon) [and possibly also ] (Adobe .pdf format and Word 6.0 format) [] Random Encounters 62k [MPGN:Netbooks/Net.RandomEncounter.Book.Z] Ravenloft Cursed Items [MPGN:Worlds/Ravenloft/Cursed.Items.Z] Ravenloft Digest [MPGN:Worlds/Ravenloft/RL.Digest.1.Z through RL.Digest.18.Z] [Possibly at MPGN:Archives/Varia/rldigest.tar.Z] Ravenloft Monsters [Possibly at MPGN:/Monsters/Monsters.RL.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/Ravenloft/RL.Monsters.1.Z] Resource Book 40k [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_rsrc.tar.Z] Revised Darksun Combat 159k The Rhyme of The Ancient Spelljammer (SpellJammers, bk. 1) 187k (Richard J. Pugh) [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/rymeofspjmr.TXT.Z] [] [HTML ed.:] Riddles.Book [I] (Mark Manning) [] [] Riddles.Book [II] (same as I?) [] Ritual Magic [] (RTF) Rogues Gallery 210k [] Rules Changes For AD&D 2nd ed. (Same as AD&D Optional Rules?) (Todd O. Howard) [MPGN:Rules/adndmods.rdm.Z] [MPGN:Rules/adndmods.doc.Z] o Complete RPG Guide to Sanity [] Sarution Empire (Steven Chrisomalis) [] Shadow Elves: AD&D Game Statistics [] Shadow Elves: DM's Handbook [] Shadow Elves: Player's Handbook [] Ships [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Items/Nonmagic/ships.Z] Sir Duncan's Chronicles (Dragonlance) [MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/duncan.wri.Z] Specialist Mages 59k Spell Description Language (a.k.a. Mage-to-Mage Combat System) (v. 0.75) (Robert M. Reimann) [MPGN:SDL/SDL.Z] [] x? Spell List (1,505 listed!!) 117k (Same as Ultimate Spell Database?) Spell Points [I] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/Spellpoints/spellpnt.txt.Z] Spell Points [II] (Same as I?) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/Spellpoints/spellpoint.txt.Z] Spell Point System [] Spell Weaving Alternate Magic System [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/SpellWaving/] o Complete RPG Guide to Star Trek 72k [] Svabada Alliance (Steven Chrisomalis) [] Swordhawk Rules (Adne Brunborg) [] [MPGN:Rules/] [MPGN:Rules/swordhawk2.txt] [MPGN:Rules/] (Magic) System (v. III.4) 41k (Patrick O'Keefe) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/system1.Z] o Complete RPG Guide to Technology 80k [] Temporum Sphaera (SpellJammers, bk. 2) 180k (Richard J. Pugh) [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/TEMPORUM.TXT] [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/TEMPORUM.DOC.Z] [] [HTML ed.:] Terraspace (SpellJammers, bk. [3]) (Richard J. Pugh) , and the rest of SPJ-L [] Thieves' Cant Dictionary, 1st ed. (Shaun Hately) [] x Thom's Monster Manual 123k (Thomas Weigel) [FUNET:texts/Thom_Monster_Manual.txt] [FUNET:systems/adnd/Thom_Monster_Manual.txt] Tome of the Damned (Brennan Brooks) [] x Tome of the Forgotten Realms (Net.Forgotten.Realms.Book) (Chris) Traps.Book [I] (James C Phillips) [Possibly at] [Possibly at] [Possibly at] Traps.Book [II] (Michael Sloves) [] Traps.Book [III] (Melissa Larson) [still under construction at last word] Traps.Book [IV] (Jason Seeley) [] Wand of Wonder Effects [] Weaponbook (Aaron M. Wrasman) [FUNET:texts/] Weapons List (Steven Chrisomalis) [] x Net Libram of Wild Magic (2nd ed) 175k [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Libram_Wild_Magic/] [] Wild Surges [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] Wild Surges 2 [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/wildsrg2.txt.Z] Wild Surges 3 [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/wildsrg3.txt.Z] x Wizard's Handbook (2nd ed) 213k (James Gitzlaff) [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_wh2-a.tar.Z] (ASCII format) Wizard's Handbook (3rd ed) (James Gitzlaff) [MPGN:NetBooks/Net_Wizard_Handbook_3/] [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_wh3-w.tar.Z] (Word for Windows 2 format) The World of Tarin [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/Tarin.readme [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/Tarin.txt.tar.Z (ASCII Text) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/ (PC (MsWord, .BMP)) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/ (Postscript) Vampires and Vampirism 59k (I. Marc Carlson) [] Yet Another Healing System [MPGN:Archives/Varia/healing.tar.Z] o Complete RPG Guide to Sanity [] Sarution Empire (Steven Chrisomalis) [] Shadow Elves: AD&D Game Statistics [] Shadow Elves: DM's Handbook [] Shadow Elves: Player's Handbook [] Ships [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Items/Nonmagic/ships.Z] Sir Duncan's Chronicles (Dragonlance) [MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/duncan.wri.Z] Specialist Mages 59k Spell Description Language (a.k.a. Mage-to-Mage Combat System) (v. 0.75) (Robert M. Reimann) [MPGN:SDL/SDL.Z] [] x? Spell List (1,505 listed!!) 117k (Same as Ultimate Spell Database?) Spell Points [I] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/Spellpoints/spellpnt.txt.Z] Spell Points [II] (Same as I?) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/Spellpoints/spellpoint.txt.Z] Spell Point System [] Spell Weaving Alternate Magic System [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/SpellWaving/] o Complete RPG Guide to Star Trek 72k [] Svabada Alliance (Steven Chrisomalis) [] Swordhawk Rules (Adne Brunborg) [] [MPGN:Rules/] [MPGN:Rules/swordhawk2.txt] [MPGN:Rules/] (Magic) System (v. III.4) 41k (Patrick O'Keefe) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/MagicSystem/system1.Z] o Complete RPG Guide to Technology 80k [] Temporum Sphaera (SpellJammers, bk. 2) 180k (Richard J. Pugh) [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/TEMPORUM.TXT] [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/TEMPORUM.DOC.Z] [] [HTML ed.:] Terraspace (SpellJammers, bk. [3]) (Richard J. Pugh) , and the rest of SPJ-L [] Thieves' Cant Dictionary, 1st ed. (Shaun Hately) [] x Thom's Monster Manual 123k (Thomas Weigel) [FUNET:texts/Thom_Monster_Manual.txt] [FUNET:systems/adnd/Thom_Monster_Manual.txt] Tome of the Damned (Brennan Brooks) [] x Tome of the Forgotten Realms (Net.Forgotten.Realms.Book) (Chris) Traps.Book [I] (James C Phillips) [Possibly at] [Possibly at] [Possibly at] Traps.Book [II] (Michael Sloves) [] Traps.Book [III] (Melissa Larson) [still under construction at last word] Traps.Book [IV] (Jason Seeley) [] Wand of Wonder Effects [] Weaponbook (Aaron M. Wrasman) [FUNET:texts/] Weapons List (Steven Chrisomalis) [] x Net Libram of Wild Magic (2nd ed) 175k [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Libram_Wild_Magic/] [] Wild Surges [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] Wild Surges 2 [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/wildsrg2.txt.Z] Wild Surges 3 [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Rules/WildSurges/wildsrg3.txt.Z] x Wizard's Handbook (2nd ed) 213k (James Gitzlaff) [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_wh2-a.tar.Z] (ASCII format) Wizard's Handbook (3rd ed) (James Gitzlaff) [MPGN:NetBooks/Net_Wizard_Handbook_3/] [MPGN:Archives/NetBooks/nb_wh3-w.tar.Z] (Word for Windows 2 format) The World of Tarin [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/Tarin.readme [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/Tarin.txt.tar.Z (ASCII Text) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/ (PC (MsWord, .BMP)) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Worlds/Tarin/ (Postscript) Vampires and Vampirism 59k (I. Marc Carlson) [] Yet Another Healing System [MPGN:Archives/Varia/healing.tar.Z] SPELLBOOKS ---------------------------------- The Almost Complete List Of AD&D Wizard Spells (V 1.0) (Udo Wagner) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Spellindex/tacloaws.readme [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Spellindex/tacloaws.tar.Z [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Spellindex/ The Almost Complete List Of AD&D Wizard Spells (V 2?) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Spellindex/tacloaw2.txt [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Spellindex/ Alpha's Spellbook 78k [MPGN:Netbooks/Alpha_Spells.Z] Book of Cantrips (same as below?) (Peako) [] Compendium of Cantrips 63k [Possibly at MPGN:Archives/Spells/cantrips.tar.Z] [Possibly at FUNET:systems/dnd/spells/Cantrips.Z - Complete List of 1st, 6th-9th Level MU Spells 227k, 214k, 166k, 136k, 180k (Michaela Baginski) [] - Complete List of 5th Level MU Spells 253k (Michaela Baginski) [SURGE:dnd/wizard_5thlevel - Complete List of 3rd Level Priest Spells 161k (Michaela Baginski) [] Book of Basengi 30k Grimmoire of Ice 18k x Great Net Priestbook (V 6) 596k AND: x Great Net Spellbook (V 6) 2368k (!!) (Boudewijn Wayers) --orig. compiler (Ezra Van Everbroeck) --curr. compiler [] Katrine's Spellbook 22k [MPGN:Spellindex/Katrine_Spells.txt] Mage Spellbook [MPGN:Netbooks/Net.Mage.Spell.Book] Magic-User Spell List [MPGN:Spellindex/mulist.txt.Z] [MPGN:Spellindex/mulist_ps.Z] [MPGN:Spellindex/] [MPGN:Spellindex/] Mary Kuhner's Spell List (Mary Kuhner) [MPGN:Archives/Spells/maryspel.tar.Z] [MPGN:Netbooks/Net.Spell.Book.tar.z] Net.Spellbook (v.2) [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Spellbook_V2/] Net.Spellbook (v.3) [MPGN:Netbooks/Net_Spellbook_V3/] Paul D. Walker's Spells (ADND 1st edition) [MPGN:Archives/Spells/walker.tar.Z] Penultimate MU Spell List [MPGN:Netbooks/Penultimate_MU_Spell_Li...] [Possibly also MPGN:Spellindex/penmusp] [] x Pilpin The Black's Spellbook 46k [MPGN:Netbooks/Pilpin_Spells.Z] Saphrael Amaranth's Spellbook 29k Tome of Blackthorn 54k Tome of Darklight 244k Net Tome of Magic 312k (orig. published by North Pole Publications, reformatted version with additions from netizens edited by Robert A. Hayden) [MPGN:Archives/Spells/tome_mag.Z] Tome of Spells of Spells 24k Tome of Wizards 43k Tsungua's Black Spellbook 84k Ultimate Spell Database (2800+ TSR spells' names & bare essentials) (Mark Middleton) [FUNET:systems/adnd/spells/] *.tab (tab-delimited text-only version) *.fm (FilemakerPro version) *.sea.hqx (Macintosh version) *.zip (Windows version) [Also available via AOL in the TSR Area & RPG Forums] Ye Spellbook 187k ============================================================================= NET MODULES ----------------------------------- Adventure Hooks (Justice, & others from the Planescape mailing list) [] Adventures (Planescape) [] The Black Pyramid of the Ancient Cloakers (4-6, 8th lvl) (AD&D) (Richard Broekman) [MPGN:Adventures/black_pyramid.readme.txt] [MPGN:Adventures/black_pyramid.txt.Z] The Blackrock Brothers Abroad (3-5) 44k (Cathedral ??) [MPGN:Archives/Plots/cathedral.frame.mif.uu.z [MPGN:Archives/Plots/ Crypt (Forgotten Realms) [MPGN:Adventures/crypt.txt.Z] [MPGN:Adventures/] The Demon's Return (6-10) 74k Disappearances in Stilldorf (AD&D) (Richard Broekman) [MPGN:Adventures/rbadventure1.readme.txt] [MPGN:Adventures/rbadventure1.txt.Z] Dwarf Caves (1-3) 11k Ecclesias' Bane (3-5) 36k Faction Revival (Planescape) [] Guvner's Plot (Planescape) [] Halfling Village [] Hawk House [MPGN:Adventures/] Hive Encounters (Planescape) [] The Jolly Greenhag's Giants (6-8) 16k Law vs. Chaos (5-12) 132k [MPGN:Archives/Plots/lawchaos.tar.Z] The Lost Pyramid (7-9) 65k Modron Dilemma (Planescape) [] Molcrun and The Mage (5-7) 24k (Modules) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Modules/modules.txt] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Modules/modules.z] The Mystery of The Three (4-7) 23k Nexus (Planescape) [] Orc's Dungeon (2-4) 32k Plots [MPGN:Archives/Plots/plots.tar.Z] x Plots.Book I 61k x Plots.Book II 80k x Plots.Book III 161k x Plots.Book IV 128k Plots.Book V (Aaron Sher) --original compiler [did at least I & II] --current compiler [did at least IV & V] [\pub\frp\general\] (Gzipped) [LHN.GNS.CRI.NZ\OTHER\netplot.## (ASCII) [] [] Price of Justice (Planescape) (Justice) [] Puzzle Dungeon (Jim Grunst) [MPGN:Modules/PUZLDUN.ZIP] [MPGN:Modules/ Razor-Vine (Planescape) (Justice) [] Resurrection [] (ASCII; Word 6) Vaspar [MPGN:Archives/Plots/vaspar.tar.Z] Watsfic tournament [MPGN:Archives/Plots/watsfic.tar.Z] The Winter Beast (scenario; orig. for GURPS) [MPGN:Adventures/winter-beast.scenerio.Z] ============================================================================= NET FICTION (current episodes for many are avail. in rgf.archives) ----------------------------------- Adaz & Sutekh (Jeff Stehman) [] The Adventurers (Tom Miller) [] [] [] [] [] The Assassins (Tim) & (Goran) [] The Burning Tower (lacking first 182 episodes) (Tom Breton) [] Chronicles of the "Eternal Wanderer" [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Eternal_WandererChronicle1.txt.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Eternal_WandererChronicle2.txt.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Eternal_WandererChronicle3.txt.Z] [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Eternal_WandererChronicle4.txt.Z] Companion [MPGN:Stories/Companion.txt.Z] Dingbat the Monk (Michael McAleese) and (David Braun) [] Dungeon Crawl (Lydia Leong) [] Fate's Fellowship (Fraser MacDonald MacKenzie) [] Fire & Dust [] (ASCII; PS) Intercontinental Union of Disgusting Characters (Roger M. Wilcox) [MPGN:Adventures/disgust.txt.Z] Midnight's Bane (Mike Whitaker) , and his players [] Navero (Daniel Parsons) [MPGN:Navero/] [] Navero (rewrite & new episodes) (Daniel Parsons) [] Net.Fiction.Story (Written by the folks of (--compiler?) [\rpghelper\net.fiction.story\allofit.tex] (LaTeX version) [\rpghelper\net.fiction.story\allofit.tex.z] (compressed LaTeX version) [FUNET:stories/INFO] [FUNET:stories/INTRO] [FUNET:stories/allofit.tex.Z] Qelrik (Guido Roessling) [] [] Raithe (John Brengman) [] Saga of Aristobulus the Dark (Jeff Standish) [] The Saga of Hawn Ambrosius (Jeff Standish) [] The Sick Kids (Sequel to IUoDC) (Roger M. Wilcox) [MPGN:Adventures/sickkids.txt.Z] A Story of UnderSigil (ChrisA) [] The Tales of Dark Haven (Lance Dooly) [] The Towers (Charles Tryon) OR: [] The White Hand 83k [MPGN:Stories/WhtHand.txt.Z] [] COMPUTER PROGRAMS ----------------------------------- ADD_Char [MPGN:Programs/ADD_Char/] ADOGD.EXE Character Generator for Windows (Rune Husbey) [FUNET:programs/pc/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] AD&D Character Generator [MPGN:Programs/C/ADD_CharacterGenerator_SUN4.tar.Z] AD&D NPC Generator (C code) 21k (Morpheus Nosferatu) [FUNET:programs/generic/add.npc_generator] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/add.npc_generator] AD&D Spell Books [MPGN:Programs/C/adnd_spell_books.README] [MPGN:Programs/C/adnd_spell_books.tar.Z] AD&D Tools [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] (Birthright CG) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/] CharGen [MPGN:Programs/Amiga/chargen_101.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Amiga/chargen_101.lha] CharGen: 2nd ed. AD&D Character Generator 1.0 (Michael "Razazarak" Mangieri) [MPGN:Programs/Windows/ (Char Gen v.6.40) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/CHR640.ZIP [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/mag640.ZIP (CharGens) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/] Choose (v. 1.01) (Wayne Pafko) [] (Creator) [MPGN:Programs/Dos/creator.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] Dark Sun Character Editor (Valentin Gamerith) [FUNET:programs/pc/DS_ED.ZIP] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/DS_ED.ZIP] DMCalc (V 1) [MPGN:Programs/Dos/dmcalc1.txt] [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] (DM Unpack?) [MPGN:Programs/Dos/dmnpack.readme] [MPGN:Programs/Dos/dmnpack.exe] DM Utilities [MPGN:Programs/Macintosh/dm_utilities.cpt.Z] DM's Helper [MPGN:Programs/Dos/DMHelp.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] DunGen [MPGN:Programs/Dos/dungen.doc.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] Dungeon Generator (Morpheus Nosferatu) (Jeff Standish) [FUNET:programs/generic/] Dungeon Maker Turbo (Shane Cupp) [] Dungeon Master's Assistant (V 1.3) (Riccardo) [MPGN:Programs/Dungeon_Masters_Assistant/Index] [MPGN:Programs/Dungeon_Masters_Assistant/announcement] [MPGN:Programs/Dungeon_Masters_Assistant/dmgdb-1.3.README] [MPGN:Programs/Dungeon_Masters_Assistant/ dmgdb-1.3.READ-THIS-TO-MAKE-ON-UNIXs] (How to recover a bug in Makefile.gcc) [MPGN:Programs/Dungeon_Masters_Assistant/] Fantasy Toolbox for AD&D (Win3.1) [FUNET:programs/pc/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] (French CharGen?) [MPGN:Programs/Amiga/frencg.readme] [MPGN:Programs/Amiga/frencg.lha] Game Master's Mystical Mind (v. 1.03) (Owl Systems) [FUNET:programs/pc/gmmm103.txt] [FUNET:programs/pc/] [FUNET:programs/pc/] [FUNET:programs/pc/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/gmmm103.txt] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/] Game Master's Mystical Mind (v. 1.06) [FUNET:programs/pc/gmmm106] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/gmmm106] Gem Generator [MPGN:Programs/C/gem.generator.c.Z] Generic Character Generator (v. 1.52) (Michael Hermann) [] GM Utility [MPGN:Programs/GM_Utility/] Grid (Hex-grid Map Creation) 218k (Emanuele Sacchi) [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/grid361.exe] Helper (v. 0.5) (Mac) [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/helper/README] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/helper/rpg] (compiled Turbo Pascal, binary) [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/helper/rpg.pas] (Turbo Pascal source) [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/helper/rpg.r] (Turbo Pascal resource file) Jewelry Generator (v. 1.0) (Denrandrien) [] Magic Shop Generator (v. 1.0) (Denrandrien) [] MagicStack [MPGN:Programs/Macintosh/magicstack.sit.hqx.Z] MakeChar [MPGN:Programs/makechar.exe] MCM (V 1.2) (a chat-like on-line gaming program, similar to IRC) [MPGN:Programs/MCM/mcm.readme] [MPGN:Programs/MCM/mcm12.tar.Z] [MPGN:Programs/MCM/mcm12a.tar.Z] [MPGN:Programs/MCM/mcm12b.tar.Z] Monster Maker [MPGN:Monsters/] Name Generator [MPGN:Programs/Names/nnc.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Names/nnc24a.exe] [MPGN:Programs/Names/nnc24b.exe] [MPGN:Programs/Names/nnc24c.exe] (Planescape CG) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/] Planescape Character Generator (same as above?) [] Planet Generator [MPGN:Programs/PlanetGenerators/] (PriestSP?) [MPGN:Programs/priestsp.rea.Z] [MPGN:Programs/priestsp.lha] Priest Spell Editor (DOS) (Emanuele Sacchi) [FUNET:programs/pc/pse370a.exe] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/pse370a.exe] (Psionics CG) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/psionics.txt] [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/] Psionics Power Manager (DOS) (Emanuele Sacchi) [FUNET:programs/pc/psion400.exe] [FUNET:systems/adnd/programs/psion400.exe] Random Character Generator [MPGN:Programs/Dos/] (RCGen v.1) [MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/] Random Name Generator [] Room Generator [] SpellJammer Ship Maker [MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Programs/MAC/ShipMaker.cpt.hqx.Z] SpellView500 [] Stacks for HyperCard 2.2+ for the Macintosh [] (Sword Generator) [MPGN:Programs/Swords/sword.doc.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Swords/] [MPGN:Programs/Swords/] Thieves Guild Generator (v. 1.0) (Denrandrien) [] Tome of Vast Knowledge (database & generator of just about anything) (now up to v. 1.13) (Douglas Webb) [MPGN:Programs/Tome_of_Vast_Knowledge/vast112.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Tome_of_Vast_Knowledge/] Tome of Vast Knowledge Database Builder (now up to v. 1.07) (Douglas Webb) [MPGN:Programs/Tome_of_Vast_Knowledge/vbilt106.txt.Z] [MPGN:Programs/Tome_of_Vast_Knowledge/] Town Generator [] Treasure Generator [MPGN:Programs/Windows/] WinItem (v. 1.10) (Yaron Gur) & (Tal Barkey) [] ============================================================================= HUMOR ----------------------------------- 101 Bard Songs (popular songs which typify certain classes/races) [] 101 Familiars You Would Have Been Better Off Without (Here, kitty...) [] 101 Paladin Sayings [] 101 Spells Not Worth Memorizing (and we mean it!) (Joel Hahn) [] 101 Things You Don't Want to Hear Your Apprentice Say (Ummm, Master?) [] 101 Uses for the DM's Screen (Alexander Forst) and? (Livewire) [] Arrows of Slaying (Magus) & Omicron [MPGN:/gaming/ADND/Items/arrows...] Bardsong Book (Version 1) (Jeff Gostin) [] Bardsong Book (Version 2) (Jeff Gostin) [] Combat Monster [] "Just Drieux" on D&D [] Famous Last Words (Oliver Rosenkranz) [] x Munchkin Handbook 35k [SURGE:humor/munchkin.hb] Random Songs [] RPG Oneliners 110k (Louis Reash) [] Weenie Magical Items 128k (Mark Manning) [ magic-items.weenie] You Might Be A Gamer If... [] ============================================================================= MISC ----------------------------------- AD&D Product Rating Guide (Anthony Brooks) [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Reviews/rating00.txt through rating10.txt] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Reviews/rating11.3] [MPGN:/Gaming/ADND/Reviews/rating12.txt through rating13.txt] AD&D Reference Information [MPGN:Books/Indices/adndref.txt] [MPGN:Books/Indices/adndref.0_5] D&D Reference Material [MPGN:Books/Indices/dndref.txt] [MPGN:Books/Indices/dndref.0_5] Dark Sun Index [SURGE:dnd/dark.sun.index.gz] Forgotten Realms Errata [MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/FRerrata.TXT.Z] Greyhawk Campaign Index [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/gh_index.txt] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/gh_indx2.txt] Greyhawk Timeline [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] [MPGN:Worlds/Greyhawk/] Index of AD&D Information [MPGN:Books/Indices/ADnD_Bib.txt.Z] ("|" delimited) [MPGN:Books/Indices/] (Tab delimited) Index of xD&D Modules published [MPGN:Adventures/modules.txt] [MPGN:Adventures/modules.1_0.Z] Index of TSR-published Monsters in 2nd ed. KWIC index of Dragon & Polyhedron articles: [MPGN:DragonArticles/] Player's Handbook, 2nd ed., 1st printing Errata [MPGN:NetBooks/Player_Handbook/phb.errata.Z] Ravenloft Products Review [MPGN:Worlds/Ravenloft/Product.Review.I.Z] TSR Product Guides (Anthony Brooks) [MPGN:TSRGuides/tsrguide.000.Z through tsrguide.018.Z] Visitation TrueType Font (similar to Exocet, which TSR uses for Planescape) [] ============================================================================= ??? ----------------------------------- MPGN:Items/Magic/bagitems.Z MPGN:Items/Magic/magtabl.txt.c.Z MPGN:Items/Nonmagic/possess.csv.Z MPGN:Monsters/woboue.txt MPGN:Names/DIRECTOR..Z MPGN:Netbooks/ MPGN:NPCs/TOLDC-2D.TXT MPGN:Programs/C/cityprof.tar.Z MPGN:Programs/C/cityprof.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/C/gems.c.Z MPGN:Programs/C/jewelry.c.Z MPGN:Programs/C/spells.tar.Z MPGN:Programs/C/stranger.tar.Z MPGN:Programs/C/tg.c.Z MPGN:Programs/Char_Gen/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/cm10a.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/dezip.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/gizmo11.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/grammr12.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/grid12.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/grid12.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/grid17.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/grid17.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/kdice1-2.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/magic1b.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/magic1b.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/mapper31.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/monstr10.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/monstr10.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/pse342.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/pse342.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/pse346.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/pse346.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/psion201.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/psion202.txt MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/spells1b.exe MPGN:Programs/Dos/spells1b.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/stgview.txt.Z MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Programs/Dos/ MPGN:Spellindex/spells MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/moons.txt MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/ MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/ MPGN:Worlds/DragonLance/ MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/Compread.txt MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/Ilmater.rtf MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/comp1msw.Z MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/comp2ps.Z MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/ MPGN:Worlds/ForgottenRealms/faith_tem.rtf MPGN:Worlds/Mystara/SE-DMG.ZIP MPGN:Worlds/Mystara/DE-PHB.ZIP MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Ed1_1.txt.Z MPGN:Worlds/SpellJammer/Programs/PC/ ============================================================================= ***FINIS***