Subject: UCC Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Fri, 05 July 1996 13:28:00 +0800 X-Venue: X-Present: [JEB] (James Bromberger - Pres.), [DGC] (David Chinnery - Treas.), [NTU] (Nick Bannon - Sec.), [SD:] (Sophie Divliaev - OCM), [SAF] (Simon Fryer - HWO), [TDH] (David Manchester - HWO). President's report: It's Friday! Treasurer's report: +ve. Budgets are due on the 22nd of July. [JEB] will get last year's budget to [DGC] by next Friday. Incoming mail: There was some. Machine reports: mackerel/???: Its SMD disc controller died a sad death around the 15th of June, causing much UCC chaos. It may be repairable, or completely FITH. We may get a replacement controller. [TDH] has been investigating that, and we can probably get one for the cost of freight from the US. We would like to get any other boards, assuming they're cheap, in any case, as backups, or for other machines (eg mulloway). The new SPARC and 32MB memory boards arrived - the CPU seems happy according to its ROM monitor, but we need SPARC binaries to install onto it. We have a CD containing suitable ones, but the CD-ROM is unsuitable - booting off it failed. [TDH] knows someone with a suitable one (ie it can be switched to use 512 byte sectors instead of 2048 byte ones). The memory board seems fine, too. Should the new SPARC machine have any SMD discs? or just SCSI? Considering all that's been done to it, it should have a new name... moonfish? A "mola" is a sunfish... "merman" - a beefy complement for mermaid - it has a big disk. marlin: Seems to be OK. Memory has been reduced to 16MB, which should obviate any SCSI ISA bus-mastering DMA problems. /etc/passwd files: ACTION: [DGC] to look at and ensure we have everyone, seeing as the "master" copy is still on mackerel's SMD discs, which we can't read... moray: Upgrade to Debian 1.1? Should we use packages to do it? mermaid: is somewhat unstable - memory problems? kernel problems? configuration problems? Its 32MB of memory has been put into mulder. We should use the "mem=nopentium" option in its lilo.conf - its 6x86 should be otherwise Pentium compatible. Try swapping its memory about to see if its faulty. starfish: Many more things have been installed on it. beige: lpr -Pnext doesn't seem to be working from marlin. With the demise of mackerel, until we connect the DEC printer to something else, it's our only printer. General Business: Cisco seminar: [SAF] mentions that there is one in Engineering soon. Shenton Park: Nothing's been sent to Simon Frietag yet. ACTION: [SAF] will add to the current list on the web, where needed, [DGC] will finish it off and send it. We'd like to get rid of mullet and minnow. Post about them to USENET. Clubroom: Much cleaner outside. Very little that was uncovered is worth taking to Shenton Park. The piles of software and manuals we have need to be rationalised - ie most copies to be thrown out. Much of the stuff in the hallway can be thrown out. The large printer at the foot of the stairs has finally been thrown away. Rather short of space at the moment. The current lounge placement is less space efficient than before. We should make the space to have a text terminal on all of axolotl's ports. The filing cabinet that we've gotten from the Science Union (was it once ours? there was a reference to the Babbage Society in it) needs a minor tweak to stop files from falling off the rails in its drawers. Another cleanup on the afternoon of the Friday before semester starts would be good. If more is needed, another can be scheduled for next Friday. SOCKS: Should be upgraded to SOCKS 5 and runsocks. Coke machine's fan: [SAF] will talk to friend at Coke and investigate a replacement. Snack machine: [SD:] will ask the Guild about getting hold of one of their obsolete ones again. 22nd Anniversary: No news from [SGD] (Terry van Heygen). [SD:] is willing to organise it if need be. [JEB]: There's old Justice Dept. stuff at the State Disposals Centre that we might be interested in - they regularly upgrade their equipment. Movie outing: "Hackers" doesn't seem to be that good... Any alternative movies that UCCans would like to see? uccnews/EMOTD: Isn't being updated. Has been truncated due to a permissions problem - will have to be re-written. T-shirts: We should sell off our remaining T-shirts. $20, as before. ACTION: [SD:] to announce what we have left. Propaganda officer: We should have someone to make and put up posters, etc. around the campus, raise our profile in the Silver Guilder, Pelican, etc. Pagemaker: The Guild is holding a Pagemaker training session on the 9th, in the GCL. Keys: The UCC key at Guild Admin went missing on Monday - it's back now. It _shouldn't_ happen again - there were temps there who didn't know that we had a restricted list of people who could borrow it. Currently, [NTU], [ECF], [DJL] and Rob Poulter have keys to the clubroom. Rob should get [DJL]'s and give his to [DGC]. While the "dispense door" is down, there shouldn't be any problem with giving DGMs keys. The Guild should get a new list of people who can borrow the key. Meeting closed: 2:27pm