Subject: UCC Committee Meeting Minutes Date: Thu, 15 August 1996 13:05:00 +0800 X-Venue: X-Present: [JEB] (James Bromberger - Pres.), [DJL] (David Luyer - Vice Pres.), [NTU] (Nick Bannon - Sec.), [DGC] (David Chinnery - Treas.), [DUC] (Duncan Sargeant - OCM), [BBB] (Barnaby Brown - OCM), [K?Y] (Kim Yeap - Fresher Rep.), [SAF] (Simon Fryer - HWO), [YAK] (Ian McKellar). X-Apologies: [SD:] (Sophie Divliaev - OCM). President's report: {} Vice President's report: cat /dev/null > Secretary's report: There is one. Treasurer's report: We may or may not have lost $100 - but we know that [MTL] had deposited 2x$50 notes in the cash-box, which went missing. The practice of having an extremely negative cokeaccount, which is topped up in one fell swoop should be discouraged - if it continues then people will be removed from coke group. The executive should clean out the cashbox on a Friday night, after pizza orders, or on Saturday morning. It should be checked more often in general, and large (>$20) deposits should probably go to executives for safekeeping rather than just being put in the box. Locks and hasps are to be added to a new cashbox, which will be fixed to the fridge. ACTION: [NTU] to get this done. Incoming mail: Phone bill. Machine reports: mermaid: Logins are better. RAM still seems to be causing definite problems. There may well also be problems related to the Cyrix 6x86 chip. [TDH] would like to rebuild mermaid. ACTION: [NTU] to phone about any chance of replacing the memory. When we want more RAM, it'll be cheap. Its packages should be upgraded where appropriate, to release versions. marlin: Now has a revamped fingerd and supporting shell scripts. Should be [re-]checked for security holes. Ethernet interface still seeming to be in promiscuous mode sometimes, which slows it down a lot. Needs a re-install - preparations would include sending mail to another machine, and setting up backup authentication server(s). starfish: Doesn't seem to have an operational g++. General Business: FSSTND: Wheel should decide on some guideline for this sometime. A /usr/local/share is being played with - this should probably become /services/share, including a tmp directory, one for sharable scripts, one for ELISP files... xdispense: [YAK] is writing a version of dispense for X11. Perhaps the UCC would like to buy a licence for the Motif libraries? or support some shareware as a club? It may be better for individual members to do the latter. HTTPD: Logging and rotation of logs doesn't seem to be working. The secure pages won't be working if they're still trying to talk to mackerel for authentication... Mailing list: Could easily be piped into a local.ucc newsgroup - making it easier to sort through. EE: Their routing has biiiiig problems. There's little faith in them getting fixed in the forseeable future, given the fact that even attempting to mail the administrator can result in mail loops... Consumables: More food and drinks needed! [K?Y] will get some drinks tomorrow. Network charges: ACTION: [JEB] to work on logs so we have a useful incoming charged traffic breakdown and stats. Flame dialup line: ACTION: [SAF] will mail the UCC about its funding. Clubroom: A cleanup is needed - Friday the 23rd? Meeting closed: 1:57pm