Minutes of the meeting 3/10/2000 Attendance: [MST] Anil Sharma [YAK] Ian McKellar [TAZ] Tracey Brown [DTA] Leighton Haynes [TDH] David Manchester [ANT] Anita Mathers [TRS] James Andrewartha [NTU] Nick Bannon [ORU] James Devenish [SAF] Simon Fryers [BRQ] Bryden Quirk Apologies: [GMB] Grahame Bowland Meeting opened 6:25pm President's Report: * Absent with apologies. Vice President's Report: * [MST] got a new phone. * DHCP works. * Tried to make MOP work. People said [MST] broke stuff, [MST] denies allegations. * [MST] put stuff on the agenda. [BRQ] moves that we make [NTU] run up and down the stairs as much as possible. [TDH] seconds. Treasurer's Report: * Been busy doing stuff. Stupid fscking assignments. [YAK] Yes, I suck. Secretary's Report: * Our ad was in Xpress. We don't have a copy yet tho. [MST] says he'll email UCC and Unisfa lists every day until the Quiz Night. [MST] is informed that that's only 2 days. [MST] I just dribbled. Correspondence Report: * Received August AARnet bill - this is the incorrect one. [YAK] to check on. * Received phone bill. [YAK] to pay. * [GMB] received cute e-business magazine. Machine Report: [TDH] We still have machines. * Played with routers and decservers. * Someone broke NIS on morwong. Attempting to change passwds results in core dumps. [PGW] arrives. [MST] Wtf are you blaming me for? [YAK] You're a scapegoat. * It's quite possible that no-one's tried to change passwds since we moved the passwd file. * MOP is working now. It was looking for the same file, only in capitals. [ORU] points out that it's not really the same file then. MOP runs on boot. This is bad - it's exploitable. [NTU] and [SAF] to update tonight. * DHCP has 5 range IPs now. It works. * Have done lots of work on router. General Business: * Power went up and down on weekend. There is a lock on the power box now. * Mac monitors - [DUC] not here. Wait to find out what [DUC] has done. Theory that [DUC] hasn't done anything prevails. [TDH] rings [DUC], he hasn't done anything. [MST] to look for copies of UWA news to see if there's been anything advertised, will ring people tomorrow. * Quiz Night - [ANT] has written questions for Music and Language. [GMB] has written General Knowlege. [ANT] will write more rounds, come late and mark. [SAF] to write Maths and Geography rounds. [ANT] Drugs and Greek Mythology. [MST] Science. [TDH] Movies. [GMB] might write Computing. People to email committee when they have finished writing rounds. * [GMB] will ring about free drinks tomorrow. [TAZ] I might be able to donate some nutrimetics. [MST] Is that like dianetics? [TDH] Yes, only better for your skin. * [TAZ] will see about car hire. [BRQ] volunteers to MC the quiz night. [TDH] proposes that people propose motions because if people keep moving motions things could get messy. * If tables win a round, they get a jug. [BRQ] offers to donate 4 one month internet accounts. Discussion ensues about Passion Pop being a valid prize. Proposed first prize to be 2001 UCC membership and a bottle of Passion Pop for each person on the table. [MST] moves that we move quiz night if we can. Otherwise we should have a pizza night if we can't cancel. [MST] amends his motion to: postpone quiz night until futher notice, we'll try to cancel our Tav booking. If we can't, we'll have a pizza night. [BRQ] seconds. Passed without dissent. * Dr Dobbs - $131.95 US, in html format. [MST] moves we buy Dr Dobbs for $131.95 US. Passed. [YAK] to get change for vending machines and obtain bank balance. * Shelves - [NTU] decided first quote for $260.31 was good. Measuring ensues. We would like the higher ones, an exact quote (including delivery) for 2 shelves. [YAK] moves we buy 2 of the higher shelves, including delivery. [MST] seconds. Passed. [YAK] to organise. * rcpt.to - they have said they'll pay. We need to organise in invoice for traffic charges. Will be billed at cost. [DUC] has archives. * Machine hosting - we'll sort out a precedent. Another time. Meeting closed 7:40pm.