present:OGM (OCM) CNG (OCM) NRR (VP) TRS (T) FTZ (OCM) SNG TOM TIE apologies for being late: MST (P), ANT (S) absent: AVL (FR) President's Report: - hasn't arrived yet VP's Report: - he's here Treasurer's Report: - $2358 in bank - did stuff - locked last year's accounts - email from Gamesden - coke/snack machines full - TRS screwed up Machine Reports: - Nautilus is crap - Console box not working - /home was full -> TRS deleted stuff Correspondence: - UWA aarnet charges and PABX - photocopying bill - mini O'day form General Business: - Soldering iron - Weller WTCPT station suggested - MST moves UCC purchase the Weller WTCPT station from Westech Electronics for $170.41. NRR seconds Passed without dissent - BBQ - about 150 drinks sold each BBQ - MST moves to allocate $80 to buy sausages from Coles OGM seconds passed without dissent - LAN night - FTZ has organised one for this weekend - FTZ wants TRS to herd the cattle -> NRR will get the prod :) - people will need to bring a network card, and should also bring network cables, powerboards - FTZ will publicise - 3pm Saturday - noon Sun - Traffic Charges - UCC charges 40c/MB - price UCC gets charged will drop to 12c/MB - MST moves UCC charges 15c/MB ANT seconds Passed without dissent - "Wireless Crap" (MST) - MST will get quotes on Wireless Network Card and a pigtail - $50 still outstanding on donations - Mini O'Day - ANT and TIE will organise the BBQ - $200 per club (UCC, UniSFA and UWANCA) input and profits split evenly - UCC will ask to be placed next to UWANCA (with BBQ in between), UniSFA and UniGames - $5 joining fee will apply for 1st time members - $2/hotdog, $1/drink, $2.50/hotdog + drink for members - DTA for Door and Coke Groups - MST moves DTA be put in door and coke groups OGM seconds Passed with TIE dissenting - Cleanup - UCC should have one - UCC will vote for an official Busy Bee with SOC - Machine room needs cleaning - MST and TRS will organise a cleanup and pizza night for tomorrow. People who help enough get free pizza. - Grants - MST will get form for Swan grants for Beer and Pizza nights and try and organise some money for UCC - Motions to Change Constitution - NRR will organise for a group of interested people to brainstorm changes to the Constitution closed: 12:10pm