UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-07-28 Attendees: [GOZ], [TJB], [JDN], [CHS], [LDA], [AMS], [HTl], [MVP], [SAS] Apologies: [EJK], [BG3] Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting - Previous minutes existerino ##President's Report - Back at uni, nothing to report - [GOZ] to explain to Guild [UCC] is best club ##Education Report - A fair few people have put up hands for talks, but want us to given them topics - Special projects grant will be for 3D printer ##Social Report - Charity Vigil planned for September - ReLAN for end of August - Artemis LAN for middle of August - EMP sent in and approved - Event page is up, will be fine tuned over the next week - Artemis is gucci - RFLAN email finally arrived, they were confused, awaiting another email ##Treasurer's Report - muny - $169.80 on card - $6905.21 in Westpac - $881.13 in Guild - [JDN] still to get card - Bought Windows license for new machine - $69.99 AUD ##Secretary's Report - Nup ##Fresher Rep's Report - Pizza night friday - Arnold robot movie beep boop - Be there at 6 ##Machine Technical Reports ###Servers - Most of UCC went down over the weekend because of power works - Everything survived ###Network - Nothing-to-report-work ###Desktops - NEW DESKTOP HYPE!!!!!! - Corydoras - Chubsucker is still availabe ##New equipment - Windows license, see Treshzraz report ##Drinks and Snacks - Haven't done a run, will do one this week, probabaly tomorrow ##External Affairs ###Mail - No mail ###Guild/SOC - [SAS]: Blaaargh - Club Carnival next week - We didn't sign up for it - Special projects grant due Friday 5PM - Wednesday Week 3 SOC meetin' ###Other Entities - UCC is the only entity in the universe - Hence nothing to report ##Events - Pizza Night - This Friday, 6PM, beep boop Arnold - Artemis LAN - 3PM Saturday Week 3 until Sunday - Whiteboard to be done - [HTL] to help set up on the day - [GOZ] to events page - ReLAN for life - Thinking 28th - 30th of August - Event is being organised - LAN to rival RFLAN - Ongoing, see soc report - Anniversary Dinner - Maybe September - Contact [TJB] or [BG3] if anyone have ideas for cool places ##Action Items - [MVP] and [TJB] to organise Artemis LAN - Happeninged - [BG3] to purchase POE gear and whiteboards - Forever ongoing - [TJB] to message [BG3] about Anniversary Dinner - Ongoing ##General Business - [GOZ] moves to reimburse $69.99 for Windows 8.1 Pro Student License, [LDA] seconds - [MVP] proposes to amend the value to $69.69, [LDA] seconds - [MVP]: for shiggles - [JDN]: i don't care - Passes Unanimously - Motion passes (6 for, 2 abstain) - That's 6/9 if you include [SAS] - Committee to monitor the monitor market and to keep the peripheral market in their peripheral vision Meeting Closed 14:48 ##Current Action Items - [GOZ] to explain to Guild [UCC] is best club - [BG3] to purchase POE gear and whiteboards - [TJB] to message [BG3] about Anniversary Dinner Minutes uploaded by [CHS] at 14:49 on 2015-07-28