UCC Committee Unnoficial Meeting Minutes 2016-03-18 Attendees: [CHS], [TBB], [EAR], [DJF], [BLZ], [SOS], [AMS], [shazlau] Apologies: [SAS], [JMA] Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting - Last week's minutes definitely went out - (drama happened) - AGM minutes haven't gone out yet ##President's Report - Help - This year is going to be interesting - Big shoes to fill, [GOZ] and [BG3] had just a touch more CS experience than me - Still haven't finished my job as 2015 secretary, minutes are 65% cleaned up - I recommend checking that your keyboard entirely works before an AGM ##Education Report - [TBB] has spoken with [GOZ] about Intro Prog - First one likely to be Learn to Linux - [BG3] maybe probably doing a tech talk tonight - [GOZ]: Can I ask the ed portfolio to be responsible for advertising Intro Prog - [TBB]: sure ##Social Report - [EAR] Freaster LAN next week, starting Early Saturday 3PM - EMP to be confirmed - Hopefully the Ed portfolio can get the 3D printer going for that - ULC president sent an email to ucc@ last night about organising an event this week - [EAR] replied asking him to come to clubroom, awaiting a reply - [LDA] also likely to be involved - [DJF]: Recieved an email from ECOMS committee member about holding a joint event with UCC - [DJF] and [CHS] seeing them 2PM Monday ##Treasurer's Report - [DJF]: i know nothing - [DJF]: we hopefully have nothing - Rundown of parts for the two new computers sent by [JDN] to tech@ - No objections raised - Theres a sale at PLE only tomorrow - [DJF] to finalise purchases of computers with [JDN] - [CHS] proposes unofficially that the committee purchases the parts for two new computers as well as one graphics card as per 2015 committee's specifications supplied by [JDN] - Committee unanimously agrees to the proposal - To be voted on at the next official meeting - However, PLE sales are only tomorrow > Present committee unanimously gives written approval for the purchase of the parts at a cost of no more than $2800 - [JDN] organised a meeting for exec with Westpac to empower new commitee financially - 1PM Wednesday, people without Westpac accounts need to bring ID ##Secretary's Report - [BLZ] absent - what a nerd - Attending beurocracy training, a.k.a Centrelink - kek. ##Fresher Rep's Report - Pizza night tonight, hopefully freshers come - [LDA]: Freshers want to see a PC being built ##Machine Technical Reports ###Servers - Serving ###Network - Working ###Desktops - Catfish had internet issues last night - Turned on in the morning, now fine - ??? - Pinball is having Steam problems - Solution added to wiki ##New equipment - None ##Drinks and Snacks - A few drinks left - Heaps of snacks - Out of plastic disposable cups > [BLZ] arrives ##External Affairs ###Mail - mail was checked, received a membership form, mail from westbac notifying us our term deposit is almost up ###Guild/SOC - President summit, [TBB] went, ULC was created. - Cheerleading club is a thing. - Push for a mini-fringe festival - Locker access available in Club Collab Zone, 24h rental for 24h. - CH storage re-allocated, Maybe will affect us. - Next SOC meeting entitled, Keep Freshers Fresh again. 4th of April. - Unigames would make a great server room. -Time to take over. - Guild gives all members a pint on wednesday, go get you a pint. - Push for a more "sticky" campus, haha sticky. - [TFM]: Cameron Hall door is broken again - Yes. - Fire alarm went off yesterday - Security then vacated the hall. - Thanks St. Patrick. ###Other Entities - Who are these guys anyway? - Other clubs. - ULC, CASSA, Unigames etc. ##Events - Movie night tonight - Also a tech talk - No clash here boss - Introduction to programming starts 5pm Friday - Go along, lots of fun (tm) ##Action Items - Committee is dead, long live committee General Business ---------------- - [TPG]: New headphones for clubroom machines - [TPG]: If buying speakers, buy ones with headphone jacks - Discussed at length last year, hygiene is a primary concern - Headphones mean that non-competing sound sources - BYO headphones is ideal - Speakers should have 3.5mm jacks, note for future purchase - All purchases pending official committee meeting - [TPG]: Get a powered USB hub for the music server - [TPG]: Should test first, but likely sound card draws too much power - Causing crackling and bad sound - Potential solution of more power via larger adapter for the raspberry pi - Currently 2Amp, which is probably the bare minimum - Purchase pending offical committee meeting - [BLZ]: Undo the previous committees motion to maintain a minimum ratio of Windows and Linux - Something for next meeting, this meeting didn't have enough notice given - Newmittee under no obligation - [DJF]: Photos not updated for door group - [CHS] to organise - Door applications - [PJA] was approved for door last meeting - Added to door group now. - [DJF] not on door, submitted application, on exec committee - No motion needed, [TBB] adding to door group also now. - [LEL] wants to gibe door. - Next meeting sozlol. Meeting closed 14:52 ##Current Action Items - [CHS] to door photos - Committee to resolve unresolved issues that happened last not-meeting Minutes uploaded by [CHS] at 15:59 on 2016-03-18