UCC Committee Meeting Minutes 2019-05-17 ======================================== Meeting opened: Attendance: [FVP] [MLG] [THA] [MPT] [420] [TEC] Apologies: [DBA] Absent: Late: [JGM] Meeting opened at 2:07 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Motions by circular - [TEC] Reimburse [FVP] $228.45 for drinks run - Passed 5:0:1 - [MLG] Reimburse [MLG] $0.30 for poster - Not passed 4:0:0 Attempted new motions: [TEC] motions to budget for posters that [MLG] made $0.60 [MPT] seconds Motion fails. 2:0:2 ## Confirmation of minutes from 2019-04-30_ogm Committee Reports ================= ## President's Report - Thanks to [MLG] for transcribing the meeting from the 29th March. - UCC Status Report: There aren't too many things _wrong_ with UCC, but there's plenty that we can do better. - Thanks also to everyone who came along on Monday to participate in the discussion. - Went with [MPT] and put up posters around the CS building. Hooray. ## Vice President's Report - Pre-emptive reminder to [THA] that he's not the VP any more and shouldn't now be speaking - Very thank you to [MLG] for transcribing the 2019-03-29 meeting - Finally got the camp EMP, etc. safely to Guild - Meeting with Guild before this meeting, will update with how it went - Thanks to [AJT] for helping out - Want to organize a committee day of activity some time after exams to plan out semester 2 - Both paperwork and advertising can then be prepared in advance - Something I've done on other committees and has worked well - AAAAAAargh assessments ## Secretary's Report - Did a lot of work for UCC this week - Published minutes for all the meetings that were missed previously - UCC Committee is now up to date - Made a inclusivity poster and put it up in the clubroom - Somenoe in the club saw it and made a better one - Does committee want [MLG] to reprint posters with updated one? - Is slightly miffed that [FVP] elected to use a colour other than #FDC4DF for the camp posters ## Treasurer's Report - Felix please stop hogging the ducking lock file for the agenda. Thanks - Standard account - $2187.99 - Card account - $3.27 |--------------|-------| | Drink | Total | |--------------|-------| | null coke |$ 29.44| | coke |$ 20.90| | Pasito |$ 13.44| |screaming soda|$ 4.20| | kole beer |$ 4.20| | solo |$ 2.40| | lemonade |$ 0.84| |--------------|-------| |----------|-------| | Person | Total | |----------|-------| | jimbo |$ 32.35| |alexjthat |$ 25.92| |shelrock1 |$ 22.52| | james1 |$ 16.84| |nightglyde|$ 16.04| |----------|-------| REINBURSMENTS: [THA] is going through all the recipts - [FVP] $21 for cable testing - [MLG] Second passes 5:0:1 - [FVP] $7.30 - [MPT] second passes 5:0:1 - [GIR] drinks run $116.18 - [MLG] second Passes unanimous - [MVP] $14.49 for paper towels and wipes - [MLG] second passes unanimous - [FVP] $310.26 for snack run 5:0:1 [MPT] procedual motion to remove seconds [FVP] Seconds passes 4:1:1 [ALI] $41.75 for pizza passes unanimously [FVP] $126.90 for fresher welcome 5:0:1 [FVP] $76.55 for pizza 5:0:1 [THA] leaves 14:34 [MPT] Procdural motions to reinstate seconds passes unanimously ## Fresher Rep's Report - Did the constitution stuff ## OCM Reports [TEC] - had a busy week, life membership certificates *will* come soon™ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Machine Technical Reports ========================= ## Servers - We still have two M4s and one Cisco server unused - For some reason, motsugo is now denying every first login attempt via ssh - [MPT] - Motsugo is not working properly ## Network - We have two spare chassis which are probably compatible with Bitumen, probably should do something with those ## Desktops - Eistien is not working ## Misc. - Dispense is not working - einstien - dispense online - snack machine is broken -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New equipment ============= Drinks and Snacks ================= [FVP] did a drinks run, $228.45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- External Entities ================= ## Mail ## Guild/SOC - SOC meeting on 15th of May - Did we? Cause [MPT] and [THA] attended - [THA] did Treasurer things - Tagging equipment - Will probably be costly - Do we need to? Why are we specifically getting called out? - [TEC] is going to sort this ## Other Entities - EMS office - re posters - SAC meetings of all the faculty related clubs for sciences Action for [MPT] to follow up if he doesn't hear anything in a week. Events ====== ## Committee organises stuff date ## [MPT] Study event. - Maybe ## Tech talks Posponed to next semester [FVP] and [THA} arrive at 14:25 ## Camp - [FVP], [MPT], [MLG] - EMP is done, event is temporaryly approved ACTION: [MLG] to send email for camp - advertising [MLG] send email for camp, volunteers for RSA, First aid, cooking [MPT] To do the facebook thing - Posters have been done for camp - [MPT] would like to run a talk at camp - [FVP] would like to run a talk - [MLG] would like to be the head chef at camp - Nic, okay with helping running a a competiton at camp ACTION: PCS to do programming competition - online contest - - EMP is done(?) - We still need to nail down who is going to be on first aid - Update on camp post-Guild meeting - What is next? - What do we need to do before camp? - Sell tickets - Get volunteers - Get consent forms ACTION: [FVP] to add tickets to dispense - What tasks do we have to allocate to people? ACTION: [MPT] Send things to guild ACTION: [MLG] TO create staff roster - [FVP] run BBQs outside comp sci exams and sell camp tickets + memberships - Need to know when/where comp sci exams are for various units - [FVP] isn't studying comp sci so can probably help run these - Stalls etc outside Guild premises has to go through Campus Management, otherwise EMPs, food training etc. is the same - Volunteers needed [at least 3 people per stall] ACTION: [420] [MPT] Figure out when all the CITS units are having exams/where? ACTION: [FVP] to organise BBQs Volunteers: [MLG] [MPT] [420] ACTION: After found times, [MLG] to email door for volunteers Nic leaves 14:52 [THA] 14:52 leaves. No-one can stop [THA] singing for 4 minutes. [JGM] arrives 14:55 ACTION: [FVP] to email CSSC and ask them to advertise for camp - also do this in person ## Tech Fixup 17th June - [FVP], [DBA] 2pm onwards. (Pizza 5:30) [MLG] to create event email and facebook. Catering - Pizza - Need to budget - [MLG] Motion to spend $7 per person who is attending and active at event - [FVP] seconds 5:0:1 - [FVP] plans for kicking out anyone who is not involved ACTION: [JGM] Need to action someone to prepare posters (an OCM?) ## Quiz night - It happened - [THA] hosted well, was good rep for UCC - [FVP]'s table came third (committee table?) (accidental committee table - [MPT]) - [FVP], [JGM], [MPT], [MLG] attended - [MLG] reclaimed the mousepad that UCC donated as a prize - [MPT] won tickets to a p;ay that his gf liked ## Ethical Hacking stuff - David Glance - [FVP] went to ethical hacking thing yesterday, they thought that it was good - [FVP] thinks UCC could help out with ethical hacking - Thinks UCC could help with organising ethical hacking stuff - [MLG] suggests inviting David Glance to UCC for doing something - tutorial? - [FVP] doesn't know how we can be involved other than advertising - UCC should do a CTF event - create a UCC team - Organise an event for this next semester - [FVP] 24hr event - loft - ethical hacking stuff ## Study event with Data Science Club - DSC insists that Data Science is real, [FVP] is skeptical, but they do have free pizza - Monday 27th May 6-9pm at Reid Library in Hamsley. - DSC is doing organisational stuff. - Looking for volunteers to help with mentoring/tutoring. ACTION: [FVP] emails for volunteers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Items from 2019-04-30_ogm ============================ - [FVP] change the meeting times, or show [MLG] how to change the meeting times for committee meetings Done! Also [MLG] still wants to know how to do. - [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee not done, - [FVP] and [DBA] to organise tech fixup event Is done - [FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s Being done, [FVP] and [JGM] might do things this week. - [FVP] to tour guild for [MPT] [TEC] done - [MLG] Send email out communicating for volunteers and advertising head chef - [MLG] to organise club meeting for interested parties re:group review in the tav next week done - [THA] find and budget parts for new computers - pinball and porcupine - being done - budget $2000 - in progress - [420] to submit changed constitution to commisioner/guild. done - [TEC] Prepare HLM certificates for new life members Was busy, in process - [JGM] and [FVP] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s Still in progress - [DBA] and [FVP] to organise tech fixup event is done -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Business ================ [MLG] Door prize for camp - Raspberry PI-3? Should get sponsership for camp ACTION: Sponserships: [TEC] to email around for sponserships ACTION: [TEC] create list of places to go for sponsorship in Perth 1. Report from Group Review meeting It happened. [MLG] is going to do a barebones review idea for next meeting. 2. Should [private] archives exist of committee-only? Yes. ACTION: [FVP] to do, or ask wheel. 3. Should run some exam related events - Study session - Procrastination session [FVP] to do movie night 31st May ACTION: MLG to do email and fb event [MLG] to bring in a copy of Starship Troopers 4. [ALI] dooring ACTION: [FVP] to continue with door review/intro thing [FVP] motion to uphold dooring at 10am Monday. [MPT] Passes unanimously 5. [FVP] Motion to give UCC image shirt worth $40 to [CHZ] as thanks for Startup talk [JGM] seconds passes unanimously [MPT] motions up to $5 for [MLG]'s posters pertatining to inclusivity [FVP] seconds 4:1:1 *Meeting closed at 15:45* Current Action Items ==================== [FVP] to add tickets to dispense [FVP] to organise BBQs [FVP] to email CSSC and ask them to advertise for camp - also do this in person [FVP] emails for volunteers for study event with data science [FVP] to do or ask wheel to create [private] archives of committee-only [FVP] to do movie night 31st May [FVP] to continue with door review/intro thing [MPT] Send things to guild for camp stuff [MPT] Figure out when all the CITS units are having exams/where [MPT] to follow up if he doesn't hear anything in a week from SAC. [MPT] Organise study event maybe [MPT] To do the facebook thing for camp [MLG] to send email for camp - advertising [MLG] send email for camp, volunteers for RSA, First aid, cooking [MLG] TO create staff roster for camp once we have volunteers [MLG] to email door for volunteers for sausage sizzles [MLG] to do email and fb event for 31st May movie night [MLG] to bring in a copy of Starship Troopers [TEC] is going to sort out tagging stuff [TEC] to email around for sponserships [TEC] create list of places to go for sponsorship in Perth [420] Figure out when all the CITS units are having exams/where [JGM] Prepare posters for Tech Fix up event 17th June PCS to organise programming competition for camp - [FVP] Follow up with Bre and send stuff through to committee - [FVP] and [JGM] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s - [MLG] Send email out communicating for volunteers and advertising head chef - [THA] find and budget parts for new computers - pinball and porcupine - budget $2000 - [TEC] Prepare HLM certificates for new life members - [JGM] and [FVP] to sell excess server stuff like the two still-working M4s -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Minutes uploaded by [MLG] at 16:11 on 2019-05-17*