Wheel Meeting Agenda - Saturday 2020-05-23 14:00 ================================================ - VENUE: https://meetings.ucc.asn.au/ - https://meetings.ucc.asn.au/b/bob-yrk-uy6 *Meeting opened 14:08* ## Attendance ### Present - \[BOB\] - \[NTU\] - \[333\] - \[THA\] - \[MPT\] - \[TPG\] - \[CFE\] - \[TPG\] - \[MTL\] - Wings (Guest) ### Late - \[TEC\], not too late though. Just 30 minutes ### Absent - Everyone else ## Schedule next meeting - Schedule/delegate reminders of next meeting - 20 June is immediately after exams - Let's do 27 June, same time and place - https://meetings.ucc.asn.au/b/bob-yrk-uy6 - Curate agenda.next - Much bikeshedding about how to automate meeting reminders **ACTION:** - \[TPG\] commits to hacking something up **ACTION:** - \[TPG\] to look after next meeting reminder Standing items ============== ### Visibly reinduct members new (and old?) with the "Wheel Group Ethical Guidelines" - Examining an Ethical Guideline, e.g. asking: - What's an example situation? - \[NTU\]: Forensics scenario? Disc space management? - \[BOB\]: Coming across user images in a set of recovered webcam images (from recovered filesystem) - Discussed "forgetting" private information that has been accessed ### Status check: Regular updates, monitoring - e.g. Debian oldstable 9 "stretch" -> Debian stable 10 "buster" - discord-irc.ucc.asn.au could use a rebuild **ACTION:** - \[333\] to do in-place upgrade - murasoi **ACTION:** - \[MPT\] to do dist-upgrade - Pay attention to firewalling (iptables vs nftables) and logging - molmol - \[NTU\] was hoping for benchmarking before and after, will help - No immediate volunteers ### Mission Control (ocsinventory, uccmonitor) - ocsinventory, uccmonitor (see https://wiki.ucc.asn.au/MissionControl) for an overview - Add molmol and/or get a NFS latency-under-load benchmark - \[DAA\]: thought I'd asked before but can someone take me out of the root crontab MAILTO on murasoi - Getting errors from the script that updates the rancid backup so perhaps it is directly defined there, I forget - murasoi:/etc/cron.hourly/11rancid errors if mussel is down - lard is responding to pings from murasoi but rancid cannot connect - abe is not responding to pings and rancid is also complaining - Who's watching hostperson? - Would other uccmonitor notifications work better? as well? #### Active Directory logins - \[MTL\]: has been playing with the UCC grafana setup to add Active Directory logins. - UCC's AD doesn't return a mail attribute for LDAP queries. - \[MTL\] is going to investigate an alternative - Will set up a SSO system for UCC which can give the right information to grafana on signup - \[MTL\] will also set up a healthchecks.io UCC install on his VM - Once this is working, will look at migrating to UCC ### Status check: Backups - \[NTU\] We should have done that offsite file-restore demo - Discussion about backup solutions - zzdailybackup going to ???somewhere??? in the ether - rsync.net - backblaze - \[NTU\] can we get a small monthly budget from committee for this sort of thing? - An ongoing budget for offsite cloud services of the order of $20 per month - Full disks - here comes murasoi:/var - live lvextend(8) demo? - Dead disks - As previously mentioned, mollitz can only take 2TB disks, so there's no capacity for expansion - Encourage members to undertake housekeeping of their home directories - Consensus that wheel wants the club to purchase 2x 7200RPM 12TB disks, with an approximate budget of $650 each ### Status check: Password/Key rotations - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_re_nata ((As needed)) ### Expiring wheel keys in UCCPass - \[MPT\] Editing files keeps failing when keys expire - Fixing: - `cd /home/wheel/bin/uccpass/keys/wheel` - `gpg2 --fingerprint | grep -C2 ` - `mv .gpg .gpg.expired` - `uccpass reload` - Keys of long-standing wheel members are starting to expire in quick succession - Regen keys as required - `gpg --gen-key` - `gpg --export -a "John Hodge (UCC Wheel Group)" > uccpass.pub` - `cp uccpass.pub /home/wheel/bin/uccpass/keys/wheel/tpg.gpg` - `uccpass reload` ## ..._then_ New wheel members, additions, nominations - **Welcome to wheel!** - Read /home/wheel/docs/WelcomeToWheel New Matters =========== ### Power Outage - Short power outage Thursday 2020-05-21T23:46 - Team effort on remote powerup - 4G link came back, 5 minutes sooner than the fibre uplink? - mooneye didn't fully boot - Pinged, connection refused on services, port 22, 25, ... - Long fsck? then failed to mount a filesystem? - Serial console not available? - Power cycled with ipmitool -> success! - Later: `systemctl restart mailman` - motsugo, molmol NFS servers not exporting properly - accidental DNS dependence? - Cluster hosts running, but most VMs, containers down: no nas-vmstore from molmol - Could not login to WebUI because of... - Samson AD server VM running, but needed: `systemctl restart samba-ad-dc.service` - Some VMs not set to "autostart" - Some VMs set for "autostart" needed manual start: needed nas-vmstore? ### Fixing UCC DNS - This will be an issue with the UWA network/firewall changes - The main issue is that mooneye didn't boot cleanly - Need to break out DNS between authoritative and resolvers - Need to go through UCC hosts to ensure they are all configured similarly, and also to use our local resolvers - Need to tease out things that use ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au and move things away to ucc.asn.au; use ucc.asn.au in configs - Avoid split horizon - Move to stuff we control ** ACTION:** - \[333\] to look into getting SoL (Serial over LAN) working for Mooneye's IPMI ** ACTION:** - \[MPT\] and \[333\] to integrate new Magikarp/Mudkip disks into ceph and upgrade ceph - https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Ceph_Luminous_to_Nautilus Matters arising previously ============================ ## Network Changes - Update on network nightmares with UCC/UWA DNS - \[MPT\] has an email about the change is being delayed until June ### Network Security - Current security of remote management had been brought up 2020-04-18_wheel.txt - Still need to decide whether we need to: - Lock down the subnet further (ie. no access from motsugo) - e.g. some management controllers are positively ancient, and are unpatched - Need to look into applying stricter firewalling between UCC's LAN + the management network - **\[333\] moves to defer to next meeting** ## Annual account locking - If it has not happened by now, it's overdue - Are the rejoining member/password reset/new member account procedures going OK? - Pausing until clubroom is accessible? - What's the latest we can leave it and still get 2020 renewals in? - Also need to tidy deleted/obsolete accounts? - \[BOB\]: People will balk at paying new account fees early in 2021 if they are left too late in 2020 - \[MPT\]: It's probably best if account locking happens after Semester 1 exams - **Address next meeting** ## PREVIOUS ACTION: Purchase of 2x 1TB SSDs - \[333\]\[THA\]\[TEC\]: Buy 2x 1TB SSDs for magikarp+mudkip Ceph? - Passed by committee on 2019-10-04.txt - Done 2020-05-12 \[NTU\] - Installed 2020-05-22 \[MPT\] ## mooneye, mailfish, UCC SOE - \[MTL\] gives update of status - \[MTL\] requests permission to move mail off mooneye - General consensus that's okay ## 4G Backup Link - \[MPT\]: 4G backup link maintenance - Signal issues, external antenna now hooked up - Comes back up automatically on power loss - Verified by fire on Saturday morning - Need to document and automate configuration (Ansible SOE) *Meeting closed 16:29* --- Current Action Items ======================= #### Wheel Group Ethical Guidelines - Add in example situations regarding ethics into Guidlines - Or when inducting new/returning wheel members #### \[MPT\] + \[333\] - Integrate new Magikarp/Mudkip disks into ceph and upgrade ceph (With \[MPT\]) - https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Ceph_Luminous_to_Nautilus #### \[MPT\] - To do dist-upgrade #### \[333\] - To do in-place upgrade (murasoi) - To look into getting SoL (Serial over LAN) up for Mooneye's IPMI #### \[TPG\] - To look into set up of automated meeting reminders #### \[committee\] + \[wheel\] - Emails about Account Locking to be sent by the end of the month - Should have a date for clubroom reopening by then - Account Locking to happen after Semester 1 exams