Editor's Comment


I had a huge avalanche of articles for this newsletter. So I got rid of all of them and only used the few which were left. If you think I seem to have written too much of this newsletter, why didn't you write an article? If you do wish to write an article for the next newsletter, they can be submitted by mailing [email protected].

I hope you enjoy this newsletter and are not offended or made to drop uncomfortably on the floor due to it. If this makes anyone spontaneously combust I would like to add that I would be pleased to claim responsibility. I mailed Terry Pratchett my questions however, he has not replied to that letter or any subsequent ones I have sent him. So I don't think an interview with him will be included in this newsletter.

Warning: I have modified a few of the articles submitted to me to remove all sexist language. Sexist language is an important issue, so do not pass it off as something people do on their nights off. The way we talk sets the parameters by which we can think. If we cannot find the words for a concept it is very difficult to talk about it. If we talk in sexist terms our mind will automatically categorise people in a sexist way. An important step to removing sexism from our society is to remove it from our language. See the article on political correctness further on in the newsletter for more information.

May your fruit never flower hairy caterpillers.

David Bennett ([email protected])
Murphy's Law Newsletter - Volume 4 Issue 1
Feburary 1995 for the University Computer Club