The Circle of the Sword Codes for Combat and Safety

The Circle of the Sword follows codes for general guidelines. These codes are explained below and each member and non-member who participates in the groups activities are asked to follow them to ensure an enjoyable and safe activity.

1. To make sure that the Circle of the Sword is mainly a theatrical group so excessive force is not required nor wanted. All blows will be pulled so that the combat is safe and fun.

2. Those who are classed as 'Fighters' are expected to maintain their training. This means continually training with the weapons of your choice and not going out on the field into combat with a weapon that you have not used in a long time. Do some training with the weapon first for safety's sake.

3. Fighters who continually injure themselves or others will be taken off the field of combat and after more training, will required a new clearance before being allowed back into combat.

4. No member shall consume intoxicating liquor prior to or during a tournament, show or training.

5. If you are taking proscribed medicines you shall notify the Coordinator before taking part in any training/tournament/show. This is for medical purposes only.

6. Any member unlawfully taking controlled substances will automatically be banned from the training/tournament/show and upon review may face being banned from the club.

7. Duty of care towards other members, spectators and yourself. For more detailed information please see the COTS web page on 'Duty of Care'.

8. The care and maintenance of weapons and equipment is vital to the health and safety of not only your opponents but yourself as well. Keep edges deburred and weapons clean and clear of rust. Any handles/hafts that have wrapping (leather, wire, cloth, etc) is to be in good condition and cannot cause injury. Any wooden haft is not to be cracked on splintered. Good maintenance of equipment means fighting that is both safe and lots of fun.

9. If any injury does occur then both parties (injured and injurer) will leave the field and will seek medical attention, whether it means just going to the first aid box for a bandaid or going to hospital for better medical attention. The injurer will make sure that the injured person is alright before resuming combat, however this is dependent on the injury. If the injury is serious then the injurer should sit out of any more combat for a length of time to relax and de-stress.

10. Each member shall dress appropriately to the theme of the show and the combat engaged.

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