Links to various places and groups

Welcome people to my links pages. Here you can find many links to other Medieval groups, various Armourers and Costumers that are both on and off the net. Just click on the area you want to go to see the various links that I have found during my time researching information on the web.

Armourers and Costumers links

With so many armouries on the web I can't possibly hope to list links to them all. So I have provided links to the best sites for pictures, information and further links to other armouries.

Offline groups, Armourers and Costumers links

Other Medieval groups on the web

Please note that there are thousands of groups with sites on the web, I have made an effort to mainly provide links to local Australian and New Zealand sites with a number of other groups around the world included as well.

If you are unable to locate a group here in my links, there will be links to other sites that have quite a number of links.

If you want to suggest a site that I haven't got listed here or find that a link has moved or is dead, please let me know by emailing me.


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