UCC Policies and Procedures

A number of policy and procedure documents exist covering the operation of the UCC, including the UCC Constitution. You can find many of them right here.

UCC Constitution and Constitutional Policies

UCC Regulations and Guidelines

All of the current UCC regulations and guidelines can be found on this page.

This document includes or makes reference to:

These regulations have been approved by the committee as of Wednesday 26th September 2018. See the minutes here

According to an interpretation of the constitution made by the 2018 committee; nomenclature of governing documents is defined as follows:

  • Policies: Official amendments to the constitution approved at a General Meeting.
  • Guidelines: Permanent standing operational guidelines for the club that can be created and modified by the committee and last beyond the term of a committee.
  • Regulations: Agreements by a committee that only last the term of that committee.

Rules inherited from other entities

UWA and UWA Student Guild


  • WA Associations Incorporation Act (2015): As an incorporated body in Western Australia, UCC is subject to the Act.
  • Robert's Rules of Order: Rules of debate for Committee Meetings and General Meetings.
    • By Clause 15.7 of the UCC constitution a committee member may demand that a meeting follows these rules.

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